>lives in chicago
>is a junior art major at truman living off-campus
>walks 3 miles to class daily
>figure drawing 8-9pm fridays
>has to walk through some sketchy parts of chicago
>carries a knife for self-defense
>has been doing face studies
>uses up sketchbook
>wanders around like a drunkard in a funhouse looking for a staples
>hears this fucking wailing coming from an alley
>decides its a good idea to find the source of the noise
>a cat is giving birth in the fucking alley
>leaves the alley to continue search for staples
>something presses against back, fake deep voice says "don't turn around"
>of course
>fucking turns around
>is getting mugged by a guy with a pretty beat up face
>mugger gets mad that all i have is 10 bucks a sketchbook and of course like a poor art student a fucking flip phone
>he takes money and phone
>files a police report the next day
>takes my fucking time sketching the mugger for the police
>cute girl sits down next to me, asks what i'm doing
>explains that i was mugged and i'm drawing the perp
>her name is deana
>deana's picking up her deadbeat bf from the drunk tank
>for some reason offers to take her out to lunch
>deana accepts
>turns out she works at the cubs stadium
>discovers newfound interest in how to sell peanuts and cotton candy to baseball fans
>we're having a nice time but her bf calls before i can get her number
>don't see her for a couple months
>my friend has tickets to a cubs v yankees game i figure cubs are gonna get destroyed but why not go
>the seats are good not quite home plate seats but good
>sits down
>did i just see someone i know
>its deana the next section over
>start screaming and waving my arms like an idiot
>she finally sees my and makes her way over
>we talk for a bit turns out she dumped her bf (no surprise there)
>she has to go - still on the job
>before she leaves i give her a couple dollars for a little box of peanuts
>finally i got them
>dee's nuts
>got eem
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