>be me, 13 at the time
>love electric music and house music
>on BBM(social network)
>get invite from friend of a friend
> chat a bit, tells me about dj'ing
> start mixing electro house music
>git really gud
>start playing school events
>start playing events outside schools
>be me, now 14 at the time
>friend of friend leaves BBM
>get a broadcast message
>"Invite Chivvy, a DJ and PRODUCER"
>Invite chivvy
>start talking, we send each other mixes
>he sends me some of his original tracks
>really gud, better than most EDM producers back then
> he sends it to record companies but gets rejected due to country
>we live in south africa(we not dumb niggers though)
> he seems a bit off
>dont speak for months
>chivvy deletes his facebook
>chivvy breaks up with gf
>chivvy moves outside his parents house into small ass shed
>chivvy isolates himself and keeps sending tracks to record companies
>chivvy messages me again, happy AF, asks me to listen to a track.
>awesome as hell song
>he send s it in again
>no reply, yet.
>chivvy deletes bbm
>chivvy tweets one last tweet
>"I tried my hardest, and I'm thankful for my support"
>dont hear frm chivvy for months
>be me, 16 at the time
> get word he offed himself
>he inspired me to produce
>get super sad and cant believe it
>in his note he said he wasnt doing well with school and only music could make him something in life
>be me, 18
>worked with famous people
>earning 50K dollars this month
>my tracks are going to be heard on a world tour
>doing remixes for cash(and a lot too)
> still live in south africa
> if chivvy had waited long enough south african music becam relevant
>he could have been with me.
>releasing a track on a popular record label today /b/, all thanks to chivvy
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