>be me 19
>have to repeat senior year, cuz was in mental hospitals for depression and anger previous year
>be lut in "private highschool" thats fucking shit
>its a dumping ground for regional countys, to put there retarded, emotionally disturbed, ghettoscym, and rendeck inbredtrash when there to lazy to deal with them.
>in lunch one day, local tard named bobby waves to me
>have fucking unnatural hate for tards
>flick off bobby, with biggest middle finger imaginable
>bitch teachers see, give me a warning
>sit down with some fat fucking ugly chick, cuz i feel bad for her, and at the time was the only sensable kid in school there(have story about her later, if u want).
>she complains about this autistic fuck named connor, always calling her fat
>connot sitting just behind her, try to tell him to fuck off my friend
>he ignores me, so i slam the book outta his face.
>fucking tard charges at me, stunned at first to how things escalated so quickly
>rage kicks in, beat the fuckig shit outta scarwny bigheaded tard, whom i shit you not had the head of a twenty year old, but the body of a 6th grader.
>get seperated from him, he calls me a bitch, and pops of the leg of this comfor t toy i have(its on a balljoint, so it wadnt eeally broken, per say).
>this bitch isnt getting away with this, no one hurts scarface and calls me a bitch
>get detention for a day, let off with a warning
>be few days later
>insisting to "apoligize" to connor
>find him in hallways
>tell him i want to speak to him
>he says something along the lines of "i dont wanna speak to you, fuck off dummy".
>i yell that i need to soeak with you, turn hinaround, and sockerpunch tardy in the face
>beat the fuckjng shit outta the soerglord again, feel fucking enraged and powerful
>finally get suspended from that
>and thats how i got my addiction to fighting people
>be me in lunchroom
>talking to what meager friends i have, in that miserable school
>some ghetto cunt makes a joke, about my butt crack showing
>i ask which one of u bastards said that?
>apeish bitch stands up, as if to challenge me
>throw waterbottle, hits him in the fucking face
>his ghetto bitch friend demonte, who became somewhat a rival in school, tries to push me down the floor.
>little bitch his trying to hold my arms outve the way, cuz he cant stand a punch.
>puncehd him in the face atleast ince by this point, he kncks me on the floor, and te teachers hold me back from strangling him
>i shout at him and call him a nigger, which in hindsight was bad, as i do have some black friends, and feel sorta bad for this.
>i get suspended for the incident, and im banned from eating in the lunch room.
>be last day of school
>olaying with autistic younger kids, who see me as their reject king(as i was known in the school, as the edgy cunt who hated almost everybody).
>demontes being a nignog, hitting all the doors and cakking my name through the window.
>realize ill never get this chance again
>open the door, and fucking pumpslap his black ass.
>he starts going ape on me, i beat his cottonpucking ass, teachers seperate us
>this time i dont call him a nigger, but say hes a ghetto monkey instead.
>MFW that was the last straw, and im technically banned from the school
>luckially it was only days, aftwr funally getting my fucking diploma
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