>Be me
>Living in a post-nuclear-war Mojave in Nivada at a small settlement
>Doc up the hill fixes some mail man who got his face blown apart
>Mail man comes into my shop
>He has no visible scars even though I swear to God he had his head blown apart
>Talks to me, and cuts me off every time I start a sentence
>He sells all of his shit to me
>I go from general goods store owner to cookwear and medical gear owner
>He crouches just out of sight and suddenly my things are gone
>He leaves and goes off into town
>In comes a few hours later is the Mail Man asking about borrowing the goods he just bought from me for a fight against the powder gangers
>As talking to me he cuts me off again every time I try to talk
>After not saying anything and cutting me off he some how conveniences me to lend him everything weapon wise I own
>He rallied the entire town to fight a group of powder gangers
>We win with lots of people dead from our town
>This Mail Man is a fucking lunatic
>No battle wounds or expression on his face as he just slaughtered and entire group of Powder Gangers
>He takes caps from Sunny and Trudy and leaves to never be seen again
>Thank god he's gone
>Waiting to assault the legion controlled camp, Nelson
>Lieutenant comes running up with some guy i've never seen before
>Everyone is getting ready
>Suddenly the stranger starts taking more drugs than i have ever seen in my life, all while keeping a completely blank stare
>Stranger takes point and charges into the camp with what appeared to be a varmint hunting rifle
>he is getting shot multiple times all over his body
>he keeps taking drugs and blasting legionaires
>after all the dust settles we walk up to him, not a single wound on him, not even blood
>he collects his pay, loots the entire camp and leaves
I have seen god and he is a drug addict in a vault suit.
>Be me
>About to set off missiles to NCR
>I see Courier behind me
>I look at him, he looks at me
>About to say something but pause after the first letter
>Continue this for God knows how long
>Courier convinces to not launch the missiles
>Marked guys come in, i pull out a sub machine gun
>Courier pulls out A FUCKING FATMAN out of know where
>He shoots up the whole place killing everyone
>He somehow talks with little robot thing
>Not a single fucking scratch on him
>He sets missiles to launch at NCR and Legion
> I haul ass back to cliff
>Courier meets me there
>I sit at the edge looking at the Divide
>Guy is just sitting behind me
>I teach him how to make shit for some reason
>He gives me a blank stare
>Runs off back to the wasteland
>Remembers that I left a case outside with at tons of weapons that cant fit in there but somehow does
>Stare at the Divide for the rest of my life
>Never heard from him again
What the fuck did I just do?
>Be me
>New Floor Manager at the Tops
>it's a normal dsy, well maybe a little slow
>Notice Benny coming down the stairs
>"Hey Benn-"
>A man steps inside the casino with a large gun drawn
>The guy at the fromt desk, I think his name was Oliver, wasnt there long enough for me to remember his name, asks the stranger for his gun
>Stranger looked at Oliver
>Everyone at the front desk is dead
>Benny's guards start shooting at the guy
>They get shot dowm too
>He looks at me
>My arm is blown off and everyone in the room in shot down
>The room's carpet is stained red
>Stranger steals a small chip looking thing from Benny's coat
>mfw I learned latee as soon as he finished his massacre at the Tops he was invited to serve the NCR and Ceasar's Legion
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