03 July 2015

Anon's first fight

>be 15 a few years ago
>be best friends with this girl
>were just friends and that was fine with the both of us.
>shes kinda shy
>she gets pressured in to going out with this guy
>guy is built like babe ruth
>plays baseball and somehow is a complete wigger
>me and girl still hang out.
>go to her house one day with a couple of my other peeps.
>she cant hang
>walk to this park near her house
>all of a sudden this white truck with 5 baseball players pull up.
>this is down south so races are mixed accordingly
>dude jumps out
>"heard you was talking to my girl"
>say i hardly said anything to her today
>im the type of guy to avoid conflict
>i was a skinny fucker back then 124lbs of pure skin and bone
>says were about to square up
>brace myself mentally
>ask why his friends were here
>"just in case one of yours decides to jump in"
>dident realize you needed 5 baseball players to fend off me and my nerd friends.
>fucker gets pulled back by this black dude and trys to spear me
>hold him back
>he hits me in the face like three times
>push him back
>hit him as hard as i fucking could in the jaw.
>you could here the impact
>shit my hand
>uses his fat self to drop his wieght on me.
>punches me in the back of the head a couple times.
>gets up and wigger babe ruth hops in the back of the truck and speeds off.
>i broke one of my knuckles with his face
>i went toe to toe with an athlete and dident get my ass completely handed to me.