19 July 2015

Anon's friend

>me, 16 year-old, pretty basic fag
>fan of vidya, especially /vr/
>two best friends are "greg" (17 year old guy friend) and "kayla" (18 year old girl friend)
>greg and kayla start dating
>this is after Kayla and i've been friends for like two years
>relationship between them is paper thin, and still is
>kayla, by herself starts to come over and stay at my house for "movie night" on odd days that greg's out
>assume that she's either getting done with him, into two guys at once (idk mannnn)
>end up cuddling her every night, raging boner each time
>still virgin, just like everyone else on /vr/
>try every chance i get to appeal to this woman
>slowly start to hate greg, to the point that i don't want anything to do with him
>forgot to mention greg is a loser, has no job, constantly asks people for money and blows it on games
>take kayla out to nice asian restaurant, movie at my place, sex?
>she accepts, starts execution friday
>kayla comes to my house, we watch a short movie (kung fury, for those who are wondering)
>and shit
>holy fucking motherload of shit
>gregfag's car breaks down 
>literally begs to come to my house to put water in his car
>quote,"i need some coke to clean my battery"
>after telling him multiple times that there's nothing i can do, he finally leaves
>get ready to get, grab keys, money, etc
>drive to asian place, excellent food, learn how to use chopsticks
>come back, watch silence of the lambs for a few hours
>literally on my shoulder during the entire time, under a blanket
>movie ends, we start talking like we always do
>continued in comments
>she brings up how greg does nothing for the relationship, other guys she likes, etc
>i start talking about how i think she's into me
>"we're just friends" speech, even though we've kissed before (yes, lips)
>takes her leftovers, drives off
>sitting on 4chan, dealing with loss
>knows that i'll be girlless for the rest of eternity, and finally come to terms with it
>mfw i've been fucked (not the good way)