13 July 2015

Place of international communication and sharing

>be me
>no friends or gaming pc/console
>study most of my time
> have nothing to do since exams are over
>browsing internet all day on my shitty computer
>mother nagging about that 24/7
>father pretty chilled about it, but is under control of my mother
>have nothing else to do, continue to browse
>always the same boring shit
>read about 4chan and decide to check it out
>days go by
>parents have an „intervention“ and tell me to go outside
>dont want to because i am pretty fat 
>also feel uncomfortable around people
>have to think of a plan to avoid being send to outside world
>tell them that the internet is like a whole new place
>a place of international communication and sharing
>a place of learning and discovering, with its own language
>father asks me to tell him one word i learned
>try to think of something that is not in common use to impress them
>mother says that i will never be able to use that irl
>father just stares at me
>for a long time
>normally he is very calm but now there is something cold in his eyes
>doesnt look so calm now
>hate and disgust concentrate in his eyes
>slowly his head turns red
>suddenly he jumps up, furious with rage
>I can see my fathers veins in his forehad 
>he presses the word out between his teeth
>“In your room. Now.“
>walk up the stairs like a raped and beaten dog
>he follows me upstairs
>tells me to go on /b
>makes me write this
>after this i will have no computer for a long long time
>mfw he says that he will never let his son become a summerfag