24 July 2015

Tech support

>be me
>home alone,browsing Ebay, looking for good speakers for my PC
>suddenly the phone rings
>pick up the phone "hello"
>no answer "hello?"
>then all of a sudden "HELLO We ARE HER tO FiX YOur cOMPOOTER"
>some butt fuck jews want to install malicousness on my pc
>i go along with it, all while looking up loud metal music
>he starts to talk really fucking fast
>"hmm yes yes oh mhm yeah" i pretend to listen
>i blast the music into the phone speaker
>he gets offended
>we argue, i say "go fuck yourself you chimney nigger
>he reads me my address and my area code
>oh shit
>i play it off "come on over and rape me then"
>"come one over and fuck me in the mouth with a knife"
>"ok ill fucking cut your fingers off american"
>ii hang up because it was getting boring
>no shit, one hour later a van drives like one mph down the road
>it gets to my house and stops
>oh shitx2
>it speeds up and gtfo's
>i think i pissed of ISIS technical support 
pic unrelated