22 July 2015

Playing H1Z1

>Be me twenty minutes ago
>Slapping some good asscheeks in Br
>Gettin the great loot
>AR at start
>Shit is too cash
>Find 8 consecutive working green trucks
>steal all the bio fuel like a gas guzzling jew
>Go fucking pitch my tent on a mountain
>Cop car approaches with sirens blaring
>Man in only motorcycle helmet and tighty whities comes out
>Starts twerking
>His name....KamakaziJapan
>Couldn't deal
>Offer him my friendship in this trying time
>We team up and start camping together
>Doesn't speak a fucking lick of english
>fukkinn japs
>See cars in distance
>Decide we want to fuck there shit
>Get to bridge
>we cut them off at the pass
>Proceed to wreck 6 niggers and trash everyone
> I let him loot while I keep watch
>He offers to swap with me
> I get out of my 12th green truck and guess what
>I fall 3 stories to my death
>mfw friendshiperoo
>currently listening to in the end by linkin park on repeat