07 July 2015


>be me, 15 
>start working out too 
>one day do squats, but wont go into detail cause this isnt /fit/ 
>dont realize how sore i am until later that night 

this is where it gets gud 

>be jerkin it late at night 
>legs start to feel weird 
>deal with it later, about to jizzle 
>both legs go simultaneously into extreme charlie horse mode 
>scream from the intense pain coming from satan himself 
>lights turn on in the hallway 
>hear footsteps in the hallway 
>"anon whats wrong?!" 
>injured ninja mode 
>close porn window and pull pants up mid-scream 
>mom opens door, sees me just lying there screaming 
>"anon why are you screaming?!" 
>somehow communicate to show that both of my calves are being poked with a flaming spear 
>"stand up anon, thats the only way to make it stop!" 
>pain stops 
>stand awkwardly recovering from my autistic tantrum 
>"anon, whats that on your shirt?" 
>drop to the ground to avoid my cum stain being discovered 
>pretend to be unconcious 

>"anon get up! anon?!" 
>dont get up 
>"oh my god! anonsdad call 911!!" 
>remain "unconsious" like the autist i am
>ambulance arrive 
>two men walk in my room and lift me on to a stretcher 

>leap off stretcher with the force of 1000 suns 
>suddenly remember how i got here in the first place 
>probably twice as painful as part one 
>once again placed on stretcher 
>shamefully accept the consequence of my autism while screaming harder than i ever have in my life 
>placed in the ambulance, parents and sister watching me rolling in pain and my own semen 

>pain stops on the ride to the hospital 
>get to hospital, get rolled to a room in icu 
>old ugly nurse walks in, easily a million years old
>"anonsparents whats wrong with him?" 
>"we think he passed out from severe leg cramps, then when he woke up he had another one" 
>if only they knew 
>"okay anon, im gonna ask you a few questions now" 
>"did you have any change in your pocket when the incident happened?" 
>well i just need to borrow around $3.50 

god damn loch ness monster, leave my family alone!