11 July 2015

Watching DBZ with cousin

>be watching DBZ with retarded cousin 
>ep where Trunks finds Gohan dead and goes SSJ 
>think I can go SSJ just by getting angry 
>and screaming like Trunks does 
>play out back with tard cousin 
>start screaming at the top of my lungs in a murderous 
>mom comes running out 
>instantly get embarrassed when I realize what im doing 
>blame my cousin before she even asks what happens 
>we get a puzzle looked cousin starts to say it wasn't him 
>I say he's playing DBZ 
>mom says not so loud and goes in 
>cousin asks why I said it was him 
>i just shrug it off saying I wanted to go SSJ 
>figured he'd leave it alone, he's retarded 
>turn my back to go walk away 
>tard cousin starts screaming like I did 
>mom comes back out but he doesn't stop >he's and least twice as loud as I was 
>he starts to turn red from screaming >suddenly stops and runs past my confused mom 
>mfw my retarded cousin shit himself trying to go SSJ