09 September 2015

Asian neighbour

>be me
>moved to new apartment some months ago
>settle in
>overall the place is okay with cool neighbors
>time passes and I get used to it
>now living there for about 4 months
>it is now summertime
>days getting hotter
>one night it's oppressively hot
>I live in a basement suite
>all units have back doors as well
>open back door to let cool air in
>sitting on my bed on computer after midnight with the light on
>naked asian man walks through door
>he appears to be high as fuck but not violent
>ask him what the hell is going on
>naked asian man is calm
>he is holding car keys
>he thanks me for being so cool about this
>he shakes my hand and leaves

>write off what just happened
>decide to go to bed
>now close and lock door
>five minutes later banging on the door
>this continues for about 15 minutes
>begin freaking out
>banging stops
>banging begins on front door
>eventually junk mail starts getting shoved under my door
>banging alternates between front and back doors for some time
>finally decide to call the police
>after a very long time the police come
>naked asian man has now upgraded to shorts
>after a bit of talking with me, the guy, and the cops the cops walk him home
>cops obviously as confused as me as to what the hell is going on
>cops leave
>5 minutes later banging on back door

>naked asian man has returned
>resign myself to my fate
>naked asian man has come to apologize
>he offers me beer and pizza
>I tell him he can apologize by going home
>naked asian man has honor and cannot accept
>give in and accept
>naked asian man leaves
>the next day I pick up junk mail shoved under door
>somehow scrawled with a key is an apology note on junk mail
I never did receive the pizza or beer. I found out the guy lives 3 doors down and I see him time from time. Never really had a problem since although I always lock my door now. And that's the tale of the time a naked asian man walked into my apartment at around 12:30 one night.