14 September 2015

Girl on TF2

>be 2012
>been a whole year since tf2 had become free to play, i bought it in 2008
>checking out the server browser for some other gamemodes to play
>come across nearly empty idle server,
figure why the hell not
>there's one other person on the server
>f2p scout
>i engage conversation with him
>we end up talking over mic chat
>turns out it's actually a girl
>we make slightly awkward small talk
>i can tell she's an autist, she's got that kind of way of speaking that all autists have
>some other f2p noobs join the game
>we spawncamp them
>turns out she's pretty damn good
>she suddenly disconnects
>find her on steam, add her
>she comes online, accepts
>she sends me a message explaining she has a shitty PC that overheats because she's a poorfag
>we end up regularly chatting, and playing tf2 till her PC overheats
>do this every day after work, we become good friends
>discover she's only 16, had shitty parents
>feelsbadman.jpg, but we disregard that and play tf2
>as the summer ends she gets online less and less,
>she seemed less energetic and more distant
>completely went offline from september to november
>felt like shit, talked to her for a whole summer.
>later, around january
>see a popup from steam saying she's online

>get a near heart attack, thought she died or something
>she sends me a message
>she goes offline
>my stomach drops
>i felt like total shit, she was kind of important to me
>check my friends list every day to see if she was online
>i block it out of my mind after a month or so
>later, almost a year later
>still fucking offline
>check her profile, i tried not to because it made me emotional
>realize the steam is linked to a Facebook
>click on it
>it wasn't the normal facebook page layout,
>it said "Remembering" above her name
>some memorialized her facebook page
>read the posts on her wall
>from what i could make out, she overdosed
>it's been two years since she was last online