11 September 2015

Todd and T

>Be me
>In tenth grade
>Obviously tards around here are a bit frowned upon because of Lanza and his crazy antics
>Meet this tard kid
>Name is Todd
>Pretty cool kid, not a real tard like some other kids in our school
>Has high funtioning autism, so he's pretty smart
>Our school has a tech team that Lanza was a part of so Todd fits right in

>Todd and I become fast friends
>He still has some odd quirks, one of them is breaking chairs
>One day I walk into the tech room and find Todd inside
>He's sitting in a chair minding his own business
>Turn around for five fucking seconds
>Massive crash
>What the hell??
>Todd broke the chair
>Not just in like an "Oops I'm a tard" way
>He sat in the chair and it collapsed
>Next day the same thing happens
>And the next day
>And so forth
>Todd breaks five fucking chairs
>In a week
>But this was just the beginning, Todd was going to shock us all

>Four months into school
>Almost Christmas break
>Todd and I share a chemistry class
>There's this other kid who we share a class with, name is Wilson
>Wilson's a full-on weeaboo faggot, has an anime background on his computer and draws My Little Pony fanart
>Wilson thinks Todd and him are friends
>Todd thinks otherwise
>Wilson asks to be his partner for a chem lab
>Todd responds in the most monotone voice
>"Wilson I'm sorry you and I are not friends I do not like you and I think you are annoying as fuck. Please leave me alone."
>Wilson is speechless
>I am speechless
>Todd goes back to work

>After the chem incident learn that Todd has a 504 plan 
>Autism thing
>Realize that Todd is actually fucking hilarious
>Become even better friends
>Fast forward to January
>Me and Todd are hanging in the tech room cause we have no lives
>Begin talking about love interests and shit
>Turns out Todd has a crush on some girl
>Let's call her T
>Todd likes T but isn't too sure about confessing because of Aspergers
>Decide to give Todd a confidence boost
>Tell him he's real fucking cool and that he can do whatever he wants 
>Todd agrees and goes to ask T out
>It would turn out to be the biggest mistake of our lives

>Todd asks T out
>She says yes, yay for Todd
>The tard gets the girl, but I didn’t think much farther than that
>Todd and T don’t do many couple things
>In fact, they don’t do anything at all
>Todd and T are existent only in name
>Tell Todd to make a move, Todd hesitantly agrees
>One day Todd and T are in the tech room when me and my gf walk in
>Show Todd and T how to make out, over exaggerate a lot
>Remember, my friends, Todd has autism/aspergers
>Exaggeration is a no-no

>Leave the tech room after T plants a kiss on Todd’s cheek
>The next day Todd walks up to me 
>”We did it”
>”We made out”
>I am happy for my tard friend, and I congratulate him 
>I think this could be a new chapter in his tard life, and I hope I helped him fro the better
>But oh, am I wrong
>Talked to T the same day, turns out Todd’s definition of making out and mine are very different
>Todd grabbed her head
>And licked her face
>Not like a hormone fueled lick, but a long slow drag
>Over and over
>Todd what have you done
>mfw I ruined Todd’s relationship
>mfw T got with some loser named Jordan who was a year younger less than a month later
>mfw Todd is back to being single and depressed and sad