25 September 2015

Shank the yanks

>Be me
>Socially awkward Moroccofag
>Girls don't talk to me because I'm a kind, moral, Allah-fearing gentleman and they only like bad boys from America
>Sexual frustrations reach tipping point. Must release them.
>Hear about gun attack by two badass jihadists in Paris 
>7 months later
>Get on a French train with guns and knives hidden in baggage
>Step into lavatory to assemble guns and load magazines
>This looked easier on the internet
>All set. AK-47 in hand, pistol and knife in pocket. 
>Check self out in mirror. Alpha as fuck. Let's do this.
>Step out with the AK-47, face the passengers and yell "ALLAHU AKBAR!! REEEEE!!!" 
>Deep, heroic voice like the roar of an eagle yells "Get him!"
>Three Americans leap up and fearlessly charge up the aisle like it was Omaha Beach
>Pull trigger
>click click
>404 jihad not found
>Grab pistol. Point at Yanks. Pull trigger.
>Bullets fall out the bottom of the magazine like spaghetti
>Yank #1 tackles me with the force of a bull moose. Yank #2 grabs my guns. Yank #3 pins me down in a chokehold. Some Britfag punches me in the face. 
>They tie me up with a fucking necktie
>Passengers burst into applause. 
>Women strip naked and begin fighting each other to be first to have sex with the Americans.
>Theodore Roosevelt suddenly appears astride a majestic American bison and starts tipping all the passengers
>I manage to wiggle my 3.2 inch wrists out of the necktie
>Grab knife out of pocket and lunge at the Americans
>stab stab stab stab stab 
>"Knock it off bro, that tickles."
>mfw you can't shank the Yanks