15 August 2015

Butt plug

>be me
>23 yo gay virgin
>finally work up the courage to meet a guy on grindr
>research online about how to prepare for receiving anal
>shave my balls, asshole and use an enema kit
>drive over to his house
>nervous as fuck
>have brought a butt plug to help try and get loosened up a bit
>get to his place, park a way away and walk to front door
>heart pounding 
>he answers, older guy, in good shape, not bad looking
>go inside, no turning back now
>still nervous as fuck
>go through to bedroom
>he takes his clothes off
>big thick cock flops out
>Jesus Christ 
>start sucking his cock, can barely get mouth around it
>after about 10 mins he takes off my clothes and bends me over the bed 
>starts to work my ass with the butt plug
>feels great man
>starts getting deeper and deeper

>all of a sudden sensation changes
>"anon, that's in really deep now"
>reach back to check it out
>idiot has pushed the plug all the way in past the flared end and it's now stuck up my ass
>go to bathroom, lube up my fingers and try to reach in and grab it
>it's in deep, can just about touch it with my fingers
>really don't wanna spend the evening in a&e 
>start pushing really hard, plug moves a bit
>it's like trying to shit except there's nothing to grip on because it's all lubed up
>push some more, can now just about loop the tip of my finger round the end of the plug
>gently start to push and pull at the same time
>after 10 mins it's almost out
>one last effort
>push as hard as I can, the plug flops out onto the bathroom floor, followed by a torrent of liquid shit
>guess I didn't clean out as thoroughly as I thought
>go back into bedroom, dude is lying on the bed jerking off and waiting for me
>"so anon you wanna continue?"
>not really in the mood anymore
>intense feeling of shame, self loathing and disgust
>get dressed, tell him we'll meet another time
>there won't be another time
>walk back to my car and drive home
>immediately jerk off and cum everywhere
>mfw I didn't mention the shit on the bathroom floor