24 August 2015

Teenage Anon

>Be me
>Be 15
>Be at school, class has only two boys, Me and this fucking guy named Derek
>There is a cute girl in my class, 8/10, not a lesbian like most of our classmates probably are.
>She fucking loves video games and anime
>Has been friends with her since the 3rd grade
>add her as facebook friend
>Be close by her
>Finally admit my feelings to her
>She isn't responding well
>Says she isn't ready
>What a bitch
>Stalk her and be with her all the time
>Never leave her
>One day ask for her photo, she refuses 
>goes to take some photos of her secretly
>she is fucking perfect
>I just want to fuck her
>some day she starts talking some deep shit about how her life sucks
>says I don't care
>says I have worse problems
>like what, she asks
>jizz my pants
>say "I cut myself with a butter knife I'm so emo" because girls like that right?
>No response
>Try to message her
>She has blocked me
>Cry myself to sleep next to my waifu bodypillow