08 August 2015

Tea Cigs

>Be me
>16 year old fag
>All out of cigs
>All out of weed
>Can't find anything to smoke
>Get hungry, go to pantry
>Insane amounts of tea
>Basically spilling out of a box
>Pick one up
>Fuck, no papers left
>Post-It Notes, whatever
>Roll up 2 or 3 shitty pekoe tea joints
>Go to garage, bbq lighter, perfect
>Put it to my lips, light the shit
>Shit literally burns my tongue
>Shit is staining tea on my mouth
>Feel it go up into my nose
>Feel like someone waterboarded me with soda
>I'm literally fucking gagging
>Grandma upstairs, hope she doesnt hear
>recover from fucked up experience with tea
>Go to brush my teeth
>Got that minty shit that whitens your teeth
>Tea taste still in my fucking mouth
>Pour water on my toothbrush, put it to my mouth
>Shit burns 2x worse, weirdly enjoy the minty/tea flavor that it gives me
>I brush my teeth, wash my hands
>Lay in bed for the rest of the night
>Contemplate life
>mfw i realize im a fucking idiot
>Still smoke tea every now and then
>if its done right its pretty fucking relaxing