12 August 2015

Riding my bike

>be 8-9
>riding my bike outside like i usually do around the yard
>just being a dumb kid doing retarded shit
>noting here that i have a completely white tshirt on
>cat walking around the yard being a smug asshole as usual
>decide to pick him up while riding bike cause why not
>hes freaking out and scratching me 
>he gets so nervous that he shits all over my white tshirt
>not just any normal shit
>not your everyday shit
>watery diarrhea all over my nice white tshirt
>soaking and drenched in kitty diarrhea at this point
>freaking the fuck out
>go full force on bike as cat jumps off of me and runs away
>slam into the brick wall of my house
>accidentally fall off seat 
>nuts hit the bike seat as a i bostonbomb into the fucking brick wall on my bike 
>mfw i am on the ground choking up tears covered in cat diarrhea while my nuts hurt like the fiery hell that awaits me 